Pharmacy Practice and Science Department Highlights: January 2022

Jan. 1, 2022
A pharmacist speaking with a patient during a health fair.

(January 1, 2022)


Role of the Gut Microbiome in Cardiovascular Drug Response: The Potential for Clinical Application. Pharmacotherapy (2021) PMID: 34820870 [In Press]

Creatinine assessment in non-steady-state conditions: A critical review. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy (2021) 55:1536-44.

Usefulness of the biomarker TIMP-2 IGFBP7 for acute kidney injury assessment in critically ill patients: A narrative review. The Annals of Pharmacotherapy (2021) 56:83-92.

National Collaborative for Improving the Clinical Learning Environment (NCICLE) Pathways Work Group Member. NCICLE Pathways to Excellence: Expectations for an optimal interprofessional clinical learning environment to achieve safe and high-quality patient care. (2021) 1-27.

N-acetylcysteine for cardiac protection during coronary artery reperfusion: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine (2021) 8:752939.

Drug prescribing: polypharmacy and deprescribing. FP Essentials (2021) 508:33-40.

Drug prescribing: drug-drug interactions. FP Essentials (2021) 508:25-32.


Kang, N., Alrashed, M., Place, E., Nguyen, P, Brian Erstad, PharmD, MCCM, FCCP, FASHP presented “Clinical Outcomes of Concomitant Use of Enteral and Parenteral Analgesics/Sedatives in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients,” at the ACCP Virtual Poster Symposium; May, 2021.

Brian Erstad, PharmD, MCCM, FCCP, FASHP and Maryam Fazel, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, CDE presented “Beyond Cognitive Skills: Addressing the Affective Components of Effective Preceptorship,” at the ASHP National Pharmacy Preceptor Conference, Virtual Meeting; October 2021.

Brian Erstad, PharmD, MCCM, FCCP, FASHP presented “Enhancing the Development of Critical Thinking Skills in Student and Resident Trainees,” at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual Meeting; December 2021.

Brian Erstad, PharmD, MCCM, FCCP, FASHP presented “Drug Dosing in Extreme Obesity,” at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, Virtual Meeting; December 2021


Brian Erstad, PharmD, MCCM, FCCP, FASHP was selected through competitive process to be Guideline Methodology Scholar for the American Thoracic Society and to serve on their Evidence Synthesis Methodologic Working Group.

Nancy Alvarez, PharmD, BCPS and Caitlin Cameron, PharmD successfully submitted a proposal to the Provost’s Investment Fund entitled “Reimagining Space on the Phoenix Biomedical Campus (PBC) for Non-Sterile and Sterile Compounding Instruction – a Cornerstone of Pharmacy Education and Training, Career Path Development and Student Recruitment” – funded for $200K over two years to enhance compounding lab space.