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Better Science.
Better Health.

Whether we are educating the next generation of pharmacists, conducting ground-breaking research to advance drug discovery and development, or creating solutions to improve access to better patient care, we work tenaciously to achieve this vision.

Begin Your Pharmacy Journey


Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Applications for our new online Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences program are now open! An MSPS provides you with a foundation in pharmaceutical sciences, pharmacology, and toxicology. Graduating from this program prepares you to pursue a rewarding career in the analysis of pharmaceutical quality, clinical pharmacology and translational research, research and discovery, quality control and assurance, and many more. 

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among U.S. schools of pharmacy in NIH funding


Graduation rate Pharmd class of 2024


Total Awarded Scholarships


Residency Matches

Our Students Succeed!

90% Graduation Rate for PharmD Class of 2024

84% Residency Match Rate

Ranked #4 in research grants in the U.S.

Explore our research

We have Impact

Environmental Health

The Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center is investigating the environmental and health challenges in the Southwest. 

Research & Community Outreach

From research to community outreach, our impact is vast.

College of Pharmacy

We are proud of the more than 4,000 professionals who call the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy their alma mater. Whether they are working in community settings, hospitals, industry, biotech, startups, academia, the government, or here for the UA - they are contributing to a healthier world and improved health outcomes.

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