Things to Know as
a PharmD Student
Complete 2024-2025 Handbook
The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a guide for current PharmD students on requirements for completing the PharmD program. Download the complete 2024-2025 PharmD student handbook below.
Students may review PharmD:
- Professionalism Code & Processes
- Pledge of Professionalism
- Professionalism Toolkit
- Tenets of Professionalism
- White Paper on Professionalism
The Professionalism Comment Form offers students, residents, fellows, faculty and staff the opportunity to report exemplary professional behavior OR lapses in professional behavior.

Health & Wellness
Tips on coping with stress, the importance of physical exercise, the value of community and so much more, awareness can make all the difference in a life well lived.

Student Organizations
Students are encouraged to join student organizations and establish connections with peers, faculty, alumni, and potential mentors.

Portfolio Instructions for Students
Learn the steps you need to take to complete your portfolios and download the CV Template.
College Policies and Forms
Students are encouraged to review the Academic Progression policy and understand the processes used for addressing circumstances affecting a students' academic standing.
Review Academic Progression Policy
Students are admitted to either the Tucson or Phoenix campus with the expectation that they will attend classes, examinations, and course-related discussion sessions on their assigned campus. Classroom size, configuration of learning technologies and faculty expectations make a policy governing attendance at an alternate campus a necessity. Permanent transfers to the other campus will not be permitted unless approved by the Academic Progression Committee.
It is the policy for students to attend classes on the campus to which they are assigned. Under exceptional circumstances, attendance at the alternate campus may be granted (e.g., need to attend an evening organization event at the other campus where travel may prevent the opportunity). For each day attendance on an alternate campus is requested, permission must be sought and granted for each course on that day. If granted for one course it should not be assumed that the permission applies to other courses. Permission granted for one student should not be assumed to be permission for other students. Each student must be granted individual permission. As a general rule, exceptions will not be granted for small discussion sessions, group work, lab courses, or OSCE activities. There may be specific cases where faculty request attendance at an alternate campus; these instances do not require written permission.
Process for seeking permission
To assure a good learning experience, students are expected to follow these procedures at least one week in advance for approval of attending class on the alternate campus:
- Contact the course coordinator(s) of record for permission via email
- The course coordinator(s) will reply via email to student request with a “cc” of recommendation to the Office of Student Services (OSS) for assigned campus.
- The OSS will confirm or deny course coordinator's recommendation via email reply, based on resources available on alternate campus.
- If permission is granted, the course coordinator(s) will contact course lecturer(s) of that day
- The OSS of the assigned campus will inform the OSS on alternate campus of decision.
- Submit a Student Travel Form to the Office of Student Services
Travel Form
Per University of Arizona policy, all students enrolled in the College of Pharmacy (COP) must complete a Student Travel Form for any out-of-town travel* that is not exclusively personal. For any travel related to academics, professional development or training, college meetings, University of Arizona or college social events, etc. This requirement applies whether or not reimbursement by the college or other entities for travel-related expenses will be requested. The required Student Travel Form should be submitted to the Office of Student Services 1 week prior to travel.
*If you attend the COP in Tucson, out-of-town means “beyond Tucson.” If you attend the COP in Phoenix, out-of-town means “beyond Phoenix.”
The College of Pharmacy follows the University of Arizona Grade Appeal Policy.
Students are entitled to fundamental fairness in treatment from the instructor, as specified by the course syllabus policies (Undergraduate) and Graduate). Grading standards of students in the same course section must be consistent. Students who believe these policies have been violated may choose to file a grade appeal.
The Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program has established a policy on Academic Standing.
When a student does not successfully progress, in accordance with the College policy, he or she will be disqualified from the College of Pharmacy. This policy is administered by the College of Pharmacy Academic Progress Committee.
Contact the Office of Student Services regarding College of Pharmacy disqualification policies.
The student who has been disqualified from the College of Pharmacy may seek immediate admission to another college in the University. Those who have been given college disqualification are strongly urged to seek thorough academic and career counseling and guidance.
A student may be granted college disqualification only once in their academic career. Any later disqualification will be a permanent disqualification from the College of Pharmacy.
Class representatives will be elected as follows
Leaves During Four Year Doctor of Pharmacy Program
A PharmD student who is not subject to disqualification may file a petition with the College of Pharmacy Assistant Dean for Student Affairs seeking permission to take a one semester or one year leave of absence. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs may grant such petition if the student shows good cause for the leave.
Verify Student Meets Criteria
The Assistant Dean of Students will review each case and verify student’s eligibility.
The College understands the importance of family and encourages family participation at appropriate Pharmacy events.
In the scope of safety for children and to assure a good learning experience for all students, a policy governing environments suitable for minor children is necessary. Minor children are those under the age of 18.
It is the policy that minor children not be allowed in classrooms, breakout rooms, study rooms or student lounges. Minor children are not permitted when the student is attending an academic event (classes, health fairs, etc).
On the Phoenix Biomedical Campus, children should follow the visitor sign-in procedures and are only allowed in the Café area. Reasonable exceptions will be allowed based on circumstances (e.g. going to one's locker to retrieve materials prior to leaving the building, etc.). Children must be under direct supervision by an adult.
On the Tucson Campus, buildings are open to the public. Children are restricted from classrooms, study rooms, breakout rooms and student lounges.
In the case of emergencies, please utilize the childcare resources through Life & Work Connections (SCP/EBCP)
Policy for transferring from the campus to which a student was assigned upon College admission. Students are admitted to either the Tucson or Phoenix campus with the expectation that they will attend classes, examinations, and course-related discussion sessions on their assigned campus.
Classroom size, configuration of learning technologies and faculty support prevent routine changes in campus and make a policy governing transfers to the alternate campus a necessity. A separate policy governs requests for occasional attendance at classes, activities, and exams outside the student’s assigned campus.
It is the policy for students to attend classes on the campus to which they are assigned upon College admission. The College is aware that in certain instances a transfer may improve the academic success of a student. For a transfer to be granted, the following resources must be available: sufficient classroom space, laboratory equipment, and staffing.
A written request must be submitted by the end of an academic school year (May 1st) for the following academic year. Transfers to an alternate campus will be considered under extenuating circumstances and will be the exception, not the norm. Students will be permitted one campus transfer only.
Process for seeking permission:
To assure a good learning experience, students are expected to follow these procedures for
approval of transfer to an alternate campus by May 1st of the academic year prior to academic
year of requested transfer:
- Submit a written request to the Office of Student Services, which will then be forwarded to the Academic Progression Committee. The written statement must address:
- The challenges the student faces by remaining at the current campus
- The benefit of the transfer to the student
- The understanding that this is a permanent transfer and that the student is aware of campus-dictated differences and financial impact on tuition/fees by changing campuses.
- If resources allow the ability for a student to transfer and the request is approved, it is the responsibility of the Office of Student Services to submit a Change of Campus form to the University, change the student’s UAccess record, and notify course coordinators of the campus change.
- It is the responsibility of the student to contact the Office of Student Services on the new campus for campus access, security badge, rules and regulations. It is also the responsibility of the student to secure housing and parking at the new location.
Professional Development Benefit Plan
The University of Arizona R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy recognizes the value of active student participation in professional and scientific organizations and has therefore committed funds to help support these endeavors. The goal of the funding is to inculcate professional values and the importance of participating in the activities of the professional organizations that support our profession. Below is the professional development benefit plan for students in the PharmD program. Any student who accepts these funds is expected to participate fully in the organizations to represent the college in a professional manner and must agree to be held accountable for doing so. Being a member of a professional organization or attending professional meetings is a privilege and students must understand they are responsible for all class or experiential work that is missed.
Students on academic probation are not eligible for this benefit.
Professional Development Benefit Plan & Travel Form
Students in the P1 year will be offered membership (up to $65) in one national organization.
Students in the P2 year will be offered membership (up to $65) in one national organization.
Students in the P3 year will be offered membership (up to $65) in one national organization. These students may attend one state, national or international professional meeting and receive reimbursement for the registration fees.
Students in the P4 year may attend one national or international professional meeting. Registration and travel funds are provided (see travel policy for details). NAPLEX Advantage and UWorld RxPrep electronic resource materials and online tests and videos will be offered in fall of P4 year.
- Process for Readmitting Withdrawn or Disqualified Students
- Students previously admitted to the College of Pharmacy (the “College”) who voluntarily withdrew or were disqualified from the College must reapply to the College by submitting an Application for Readmission to the Office of Student Services, which will then forward the Application to the Readmission Committee.
- Applications for Readmission must be submitted no less than 120 days before the start of the semester in which the student wants to resume the program.
- Re-applicants will be evaluated based on, among other things, their Application for Readmission and a written Statement to the Readmission Committee. The written Statement must address (a) the reason the student withdrew or was disqualified from the College; (b) the steps the student took during the period of absence to prepare her/ himself to return to the program; and (c) the student’s plan to successfully complete the program.
- Re-applicants must submit a valid fingerprint clearance, current immunization record, and other required documentation as identified by the Readmission Committee prior to readmission.
- Re-applicants are required to submit certified transcripts from an outside institution for any coursework completed during the period of absence from the program.
- Students are eligible to apply for readmission if granting their readmission would not result in a violation of the Policy for Academic Progression. Readmission is not guaranteed, and the decision of the Readmission Committee cannot be appealed.
- Eligibility for Readmission
- A student is only eligible for readmission if the date the student desires to resume the program is less than two years from the date the student withdrew or was disqualified. If a student desires to return more than two years from the date the student withdrew or was disqualified, the student must apply to the College through the standard admissions process and restart the program, regardless of how many units were completed prior to withdrawal or disqualification.
- Students seeking readmission following disqualification will only be readmitted upon a showing of exceptional circumstances. Previously disqualified students who are readmitted to the College and are disqualified a second time will not subsequently be readmitted.
- A student who withdrew or was disqualified prior to successfully completing the first semester of the first year is not eligible for readmission. Any such student must formally reapply to the College of Pharmacy through the standard admissions process.
- This policy does not apply to students who were formally granted a medical or non- medical leave of absence and who timely re-enrolled at the conclusion of the approved period of leave.
- Reintegration
- If a withdrawn or previously disqualified student is readmitted to the College, the Readmission Committee will inform the Academic Progression Committee (the “APC”) and provide the APC with the student’s Application for Readmission.
- The APC will review the student’s Application for Readmission, including the student’s written statement, prior academic history with the College, and other coursework the student has taken since leaving the College to make a determination as to the appropriate course-level at which the student will resume his/her studies.
- Upon readmission, re-applicants must pay all required fees and complete or bring current all other requirements or tasks for program participation as identified by the APC. Failure to do so will prevent or delay student progress.
- All grades earned prior to readmission will continue to be part of the student’s academic record should the student come before the APC after readmission.
- Upon readmission and reintegration the student will be subject to the College’s current curriculum, graduation requirements, and Policy on Academic Standing.
- The decision of the APC regarding reintegration is final and cannot be appealed.
Procedure: Exam Laptop & Use of Privacy Screens During Exams
Students are required to bring to the exam
- Laptop (or other appropriate device) with a privacy screen attached.
- Power cord for laptop/device if needed.
Use of privacy screens during an exam
- Privacy screens must always remain on the student’s laptop/device during the exam unless instructed otherwise by the exam proctor(s).
- Proctors may ask students to remove their privacy screen at any time during the exam.
- Upon check-out, students will be asked to remove their privacy screen by the proctor. The screen should remain in place until asked to remove it.
Privacy screen / laptop (or exam device) not brought to exam by student
Per Class:
- 1st time – will result in a warning and the student may borrow a privacy screen as available. The student may be asked to sit in an alternative location by the proctor.
- 2nd time – will result in a 5% deduction from their exam score.
- 3rd time – will result in a 5% deduction from their exam score and a report to the professionalism committee for review and sanctions as deemed appropriate by the committee.
Approved by RKCCOP faculty: June 10, 2022
Students can complete the form to request letters such as
- Verification of Enrollment
- Letter of Good Standing for Rotations
- Letter of Good Standing for Scholarship
- Jury Duty
Emergency Procedures
Please review the emergency procedures specific to our three College buildings:
RKCCOP Information Technology Department
The College's IT Department supports students, faculty, and staff with their technical needs. For IT support, send an email to More information about college systems and applications and how to get assistance for your personal computers and devices are available on the IT website.
Career Resources
Resources to help support students in their exploration of potential pharmacy career paths.
Student Interest Forms
The Pharmacy Career Pathways Student Interest Form is available to assist PharmD students in career exploration. The Basic Science Research Interest Form is for students interested in wet bench research.
Interprofessional Education and Practice
All students will have an opportunity to participate in interprofessional education activities and practice. For more information visit The University of Arizona Center For Transformative Interprofessional Healthcare website.
Info Specific to Tucson & Phoenix Campuses
- Health Sciences Library (Health Sciences Education Building)
- Building Access
- Campus Map