Butler, D., Boucher, E., Tobison, J., & Phan, H. (2020). Medication Use in Schools: Current Trends, Challenges, and Best Practices. 25(1).

There are a significant number of students on maintenance medications for chronic diseases or with diagnoses that may result in medical emergencies requiring administration of medications in school. With passing of legislation in all 50 states allowing self-administration of emergency medications for allergic reactions and asthma, the landscape of medication use in schools is changing. These changes have raised questions about the need for legislation or policy development relating to self-carrying and self-administration of medications for other disease states, undesignated stock of emergency medications, and administration of medications by non-medical personnel. Medication administration in the school setting has become a complex issue, and this review will discuss current legislation related to medication use in schools and provide best practices for administering medications to children and adolescents while at school.