Laboratory Rotations & Research
The program track in Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics require that, prior to the selection of a major adviser, the student become familiar with the research interests of the faculty. Students should meet individually with the faculty whose research is of particular interest or potential interest. Additional familiarity is gained through research and class projects.
After these preliminary meetings, the student decides with whom he/she would like to do his/her research. After consultation with and agreement of the faculty member, the student must communicate this decision to the program track director before the end of the Spring Semester during the first year.
The courses listed below are required for the Pharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics graduate program track.
Students are required to complete 9 units of coursework in the minor subject, 18 units of dissertation and a minimum of 36 units of coursework in the major subject including:
- 4 seminar credits (minimum)
- 6 laboratory rotation units
- 4 lab meeting credits (minimum)
Core Courses:
The purpose of this course is to provide the graduate student with a basis of understanding of pharmaceutical dosage forms. An overview of traditional and novel dosage forms will be presented along with a discussion on scientific and regulatory requirements necessary to get a drug product approved. The course will emphasize the relationship between Physical Pharmacy (chemistry and physical science) and the pharmaceutical dosage form.
The course will present basic principles that underlie each of these program tracks and will provide a basis for more advanced work in Pharmacology & Toxicology, Drug Discovery & Development, and Pharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics.
This three-credit, team-taught course is offered by the faculty of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology of the College of Pharmacy and other invited speakers. This course will cover essential laboratory techniques that are used in the fields of medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, and pharmaceutics.
This course introduces biostatistical methods and applications, and will cover descriptive statistics, probability theory, and a wide variety of inferential statistical techniques that can be used to make practical conclusions about empirical data. Students will also be learning to use a statistical software package (STATA or SAS).
The class emphasizes writing; manuscripts, manuscript and grant reviews, Scientific presentations, and applications for awards, future employment etc. Significant class participation is mandatory. This course satisfies the bioethics requirement of NIH funded grants. Signature of Course Director is required for individuals who do not meet the pre-requisite requirement.
This course will provide the Pharmaceutical Science graduate student with a basis of understanding of a wide variety of topics related to pharmaceutics. This course is intended to be an open discussion by all participants. Topics will include; corporate structure and procedures, drug development process, ethics, scientific method, creativity, communication, legal and interviewing skills.
The development and exchange of scholarly information in a small group setting. The scope of work shall consist of research by course registrants, with the exchange of the results of such research through discussion, reports, and/or papers.
Research Lab Meeting (PHSC 596c, fall & spring)
ABBS Laboratory Rotation (MCB 792) / TSA Directed Research Laboratory Rotations (PCOL 792)
Students will choose electives to total a minimum of 36 units for the major. For a list of electives available, refer to the Pharmaceutics Handbook.