APIDA Student Spotlight: Aimee Nguyen

April 24, 2022

In honor of Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) Heritage Month we are highlighting some of our amazing APIDA Pharmacy students.

Name: Aimee Nguyen 

Degree: BSPS (Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences) 

Graduation year: Spring 2022 

Q: What inspired you to pursue a degree at the R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy? 

As an incoming freshman, I started out as a Physiology and Medical Sciences (PSIO) major to fulfill the prerequisites for pharmacy school. After the BSPS degree was introduced to the university, I applied to the major once I felt sure about going to  pharmacy school. My goal to go to pharmacy school has changed since then, but I’m continuing to pursue my BSPS degree because this major still allows me to explore other avenues.  

Q: Do you have any role models that inspire you - at the college or in general? 

In my previous student spotlight, I mentioned Dr. Jennifer Schnellmann as one of my role models who inspire me, due to her contagious passion for toxicology and pharmaceutical sciences. My other role model outside of the college is my mother, for her continual compassion and unyielding work ethic.  

Q: Have you experienced any challenges in school? How did you overcome them? 

I have experienced many challenges in school. The classes get harder and more complex with each semester, but I have overcome them with discipline and much needed rest. I can’t imagine how my mental health would have survived without voice-calling my friends or remembering to take breaks. I have also struggled with  comparing myself to others. This is something I have gradually learned to overcome, and although it is still difficult not to feel as if I am falling behind, I can only control what I can do right now. 

Q: Tell me about your family and community growing up. 

My family and community growing up were very close-knit. My parents are from South Vietnam and experienced hardships I could not possibly imagine. I am only here today because of their efforts and hard-earned miracles.  

Q: What does being part of the APIDA community mean to you? 

Being part of the APIDA community means knowing the importance of family, history, education, and love. I am grateful and proud to be a part of the APIDA  community. 

Q: Has being APIDA influenced the way you approach your studies or research? 

Growing up in the APIDA community means that the importance of education has been ingrained in me since I was a child. Being APIDA has positively influenced my  work ethic and pushed me take my studies seriously. It would be easy to simply give up when school or life gets difficult, but then I remember that I’m working hard to  support both me and my family. However, the mindset of “school is everything,” can be dangerous if that is all I focus on. It is important to remind myself that my family’s love is not conditional, and that I am not a disappointment if I allow myself time to relax and recharge. My family will also go out of their way to reassure me if I happen to take on too much and become stressed in the process. 

Q: What are your goals for after graduation? 

My goals after graduation are to study for the GRE and apply to perfusion school in the fall. I hope to become a perfusionist, which is the person who is responsible for  the oxygenation of blood during open-heart surgery by using equipment such as a heart-lung machine. I am both nervous and excited to pursue this route. I love the  idea of applying the subjects I have learned in my pharmaceutical sciences major to  this pathway. I was unsure about pharmacy school after I gained some work  experience, and when I learned about perfusion, I was surprised to see how much pharmacology is involved. After I did some extensive research and learned more  about the occupation, I was sold.  

Q: Anything else you would like to share? 

I am seeking work experience related to perfusion or the operating room for this upcoming summer after I graduate in a few weeks! I have looked into perfusion  assistant, sterile processing technician, operating room aide jobs, and more. If you know anyone who is hiring for jobs such as these or jobs related to these, please get  in touch with me via LinkedIn! Thank you for your time, and I hope this student spotlight was an enjoyable read!


Story by: Gracie Lordi