ACT 50 Stories from 50 States Challenge

April 5, 2022

The ACT Pharmacy Collaborative is an operational learning and ACTing collaborative between colleges/schools of pharmacy and clinically integrated networks of community-based pharmacies. Every year the ACT Pharmacy Collaborative hosts the 50 Stories from 50 States Challenge. The purpose of this Challenge is to capture examples of the positive impact of pharmacists in the community setting from members of academic institutions, pharmacist preceptors, and trainees. ​Key components of the Challenge are that the stories are true and that they represent the breadth of enhanced patient care services provided in community pharmacies.

This year our own Nicole Henry, PharmD and PharmD student Rion Poland submitted a story for the Challenge. Their story detailed the College's COVID-19 vaccination clinic efforts and overcoming vaccine hesitancy.

"Covid-19 vaccination clinics are commonplace at this point during the pandemic, but in May-June of 2021, there were still high levels of vaccine hesitancy. Dr. Henry, a pharmacist at CVS, as well as a preceptor for students on IPPE and APPE rotations, provided opportunities to her students to travel to various Covid-19 vaccine clinics, many of which were in rural, low-income communities with patients experiencing language barriers. This not only allowed for the students to practice vaccinating, but it also provided an opportunity for the students to counsel the patients on what to expect from the vaccine as far as side effects and address any issues surrounding vaccine hesitancy."

Rion said this about his experience: "I would first like to thank Dr. Henry, my IPPE (Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience) preceptor during this time, for providing me the opportunity to partake in this type of experience. I did not have much community pharmacy experience prior to taking her rotation, but Dr. Henry provided perfect guidance during this time. Helping the community referenced in my story was just one of many vaccine clinics I was able to participate in while ​on this rotation. I was honored to serve underprivileged communities by bringing the vaccine clinic to them, and administering vaccines to build a healthier community. I look forward to more opportunities to create healthier communities."

Read Dr. Henry and Rion Poland's full story here.